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Raise pupil attainment, reduce teacher workload, improve teacher well-being


Good teachers are leaving the profession in droves and recruitment targets to teaching are constantly missed. Why? The evidence is clear: excessive teacher workload. In many schools SLT require of their teachers:

  • frequent collection and analysis of data on pupil progress
  • detailed lesson plans for scrutiny
  • regular, detailed marking of pupils’ work.


In addition, many SLTs do not trust their teachers: Their surveillance and scrutiny cultures:

  • instruct teachers how to teach, using compulsory, inflexible lesson planning templates
  • expect teachers to conform to fixed lesson structures which ignore subject, age of pupils, context and teacher preferences
  • create straitjackets where passion for teaching, spontaneity and creativity are all strangled.

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    Robert Powell, in his new book, deconstructs these policies and shows how alternative strategies can not only improve attainment, particularly for the ‘hard to reach’, but also reduce workload and re-invigorate passion for teaching.

    He presents in his book:

    • imaginative strategies for whole-school planning which combine rigour, creativity, professional autonomy, and reduced workload
    • feedback approaches that raise attainment and eliminate hours of pointless marking
    • technology that makes data collection redundant, massively reduces planning and marking and through its live feedback to both teachers and pupils engages and motivates all involved in the learning process.
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